Golf podcasts: Listen to On The Virg with Virgil Herring

On The Virg with Virgil Herring

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On The Virg with Virgil Herring is a series of in-depth interviews with some of the most wildly successful entrepreneurs, musicians, and professional golfers. This podcast focuses on what tools they have used to achieve their dreams, and provides a detailed glimpse into human performance in business, sport, and music. With each guest, Virgil dives into what makes them truly remarkable in their craft.

The show centers itself around the communitas of wine, music, and golf - and how each of these enrich their lives. On the Virg is about the enjoyment of life, rising above the struggles, and stretching past the best to be better every day.

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TEDx Recap, Ryder Cup, College Football - S5E15


Talking all things TEDx, Ryder Cup, and college football. 

Virgil No. 5 - S5E14


This week On The Virg I will be discussing the mental blueprint used by the best players to excel on the course. Plus I discuss my TEDX talk and the Ryder Cup of wine.

John McDearman - S5E13


Joining me this week On The Virg is Wilson Bank & Trust CEO, John McDearman. We discuss the turmoil in the banking business that is wreaking havoc for some. We delve into his critical fundamentals he employs in both the business of the bank and managing his employees. Plus we talk golf, Pearl Jam, and the Vols!

Mike Organ - S5E12


Joining me this week On The Virg is 2022 TN Sportswriter of the Year and Tennessean columnist Mike Organ. We discuss how news media has evolved over the last 40 years and how he adapted to enjoy such a great career. We discuss how golf has always played a huge role in sports and business in Nashville. Plus he shares some fun stories of being on the beat here in Music City.

Jeremy Qualls - S5E11


Joining me this week On The Vir is the Director of the Entrepreneur and Innovation Center of Williamson County, Jeremy Qualls. 

He discusses how the disruptive educational platform has blown up and is transforming education in Tennessee. He shares an amazing story about the students catapulted the Tennessee Titans social media platforms and created multiple game changing endeavors for the Titans. How mentorship works at the EIC and the amazing work the students are doing for many businesses in Nashville. Plus we discuss Dave Matthews Band, Nine Inch Nails, Chris Stapleton, Quentin Tarantino, Saving Private Ryan and the life values that music and cinema provide the world. A truly amazing and cutting edge discussion about the future of education.